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Phone | 8 (436) 225-92-20 |
Address | 77à, st.Khalqlar Dustligi, Navoi city, Navoi district, Republic of Uzbekistan |
Rating | - The Hokimiyat of Navoi region
Called by the name of a bright star in the sky of poetry great Mir Alisher Navoi, unique in the Central Asia by its architecture, the city of Navoi was established in 1958.
In spite of the fact that the city of Navoi is one of the youngest cities of our republic, it has a potential, special position in the sphere of the industry, agriculture, and the main thing - in creative development of hardworking people.
The city of Navoi is an administrative centre of the region. Today more than 140 thousand population lives in the city. The territory of the city is 55 thousand sq. km. Having almost semicentenial history the Navoi mountain-metallurgical combine occupies leading place not only in the city of Navoi and Navoi region, but is the largest enterprise providing gold reserves of republic.
The city of Navoi is also known as city of chemists. There are the largest enterprises in republic, such as joint-stock company “Navoiazot” and factory “Elektrokimyo” in this city.
The cement, which is produced in the joint-stock company “Kizilkumsement”, is considered the most qualitative building material in Uzbekistan. Production, which is manufactured here, has its export potential not only in the republic, but also in foreign countries.
The electric energy produced by the Navoi thermal power station, also takes a powerful place.
Besides ginning, cereal-processing and many other industrial and building enterprises testify, that the city is a large industrial centre.
The location of city in geographically convenient territory, crossroads of interregional transport communications has great significance for economic stability of the city.
The development of industry in the city of Navoi during the years of Independence brings the powerful contribution not only to material potential of city, as well as, the territory of adjoining kishlaks and development of social sphere.
Clean, pleasant squares, green zones, developed streets, places of festival are another distinctive features of the city. Now greater positive changes also happen in cultural and spiritual life of the city. The “Alisher Navoi's Garden” was created in connection with the 560th anniversary of Alisher Navoy's birthday in 2001. “The dehkan market”, “the Commercial market” and the centralized trading complex, trading the best consumer goods, operate in the city.
Date: 2012-02-08 | Hits: 2871