Domain | |
IP | |
Phone | 241-62-50 |
Address | 100011, Tashkent, Shajhontoxursky area, street A.Navoi, h.14а |
Rating | - State Unitary Enterprise "AloqaLoyiha"
State Unitary Enterprise "ALOQALOYIHA" is the design and survey enterprise. The basic direction of activity - manufacture of works on researches and designing of various objects of communication. The Tashkent branch of the State allied project institute (TB SAPI) the Ministries of Communications of the USSR was organized on July, 4th, 1958.
The organization of such design establishment it was dictated by rapid development of a communication facility in the former USSR. The institute was created, that is called, on an empty place, and, nevertheless, it; has quickly acquired shots, its number reached 1200 persons, was typed experience and authority. Was a leading research institute on designing of radio and radio engineering objects, and also large city automatic telephone exchanges. Workers of the Ministry of Communications of the Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic were the first workers of SAPI for the institute organization in combination.
In October, 1972 on the basis of the Design bureau institute "Uzgiprosvyaz" has been created. In December, 1991 the order of Ministry of Communications RU had been created Project institute of communication RU (Uz SАPI) on the basis of reorganized (merged) institutes "Uzgiprosvyaz" and SAPI-2.
The institute was engaged in designing and installation of radio in:
Collective farms and state farms,
inside zones communication lines,
Automatic telephone exchange in cities and districts of republic,
Living houses and technical buildings
Civil defense,
General schemes of development of communication of republic.
Date: 2012-02-06 | Hits: 3470