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Phone | +(998712) 1357534 |
Address | 3, Zulfiyakhonim Str., 700128, �ashkent, Uzbekistan |
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The Institute of Seismology of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan
nstitute of Seismology of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan was established on October 1, 1966 soon after the destructive Tashkent earthquake of April 26, 1966. The first Head of Institute of Seismology was Academician of AS of Uzbekistan Prof. G. Mavlyanov (1966-1985). From 1985 to 1988 to take the lead of Institute was Corresponding-Member of AS of Uzbekistan Prof. O.M.Borisov. Since 1989 at present time it is under leadership academician Prof. K.N.Abdullabekov. In 1990 the Institute was given the name of its first director Academician G.A.Mavlyanov.
The major scientific problem of the Institute is "Estimate of seismic hazard, seismic zoning of different levels, long-term prediction of earthquakes, assessment of seismic risk, out put of methods middle-short-terms prediction of earthquakes".
The organizational structure of the Institute consists of 11 Research Laboratories (152 persons), the Complex Expedition (200 persons) with observation Network on the territory of Uzbekistan on 22 Seismic Stations, 9 complex prognostic stations and 32 separately point of observations, the Magnetic-Ionospheric Observatory and Department of Geography. The staff of the Institute includes 352 persons and 72 of them are Researchers Scientists. Among them there are Academician of AS of Uzb. A.N.Sultankhodjaev and Academician of AS of Uzb. Abdullabekov K.N., 15 Doctors of Sciences (Dr.Sc.) and 28 Candidates of Sciences (Ph.D.). At present there are 4 post-doctorate and 15 post-graduate students taking part in thematic studies. In 1990 the Institute was given the name of its first director Academician G.A.Mavlyanov.
Date: 2012-01-12 | Hits: 2945